Free in NYC

NYC isn’t exactly a cheap place to live, but with so much to do and see, at least some things are free

Kayaking on the Hudson

This is a fun, free summer activity. When I broke my foot, I couldn’t work for a bit and I had a lot of free time. I got pretty into kayaking on the Hudson because I didn’t need feet. And in the sticky, sweaty summers in the city, it’s nice to be near the water (even if the water has floating dead fish and garbage in it)

Poolsfree pool

Another great summer activity. The pools are surprisingly clean

Concerts                free concerts

Summer Stage offers free concerts all summer

Yogafree yoga

Yoga to the people is technically donation based, not free, but it’s nice to feel like a good person when you tip, rather than just feeling like your $ is going to some corporation. I used to live right by the St. Marks studio and go all the time. It’s a Vinyasana studio and the classes are strength based so you actually feel like you’re exercising, not just meditating.

Ikea Ferryikea ferry

It’s well known that the Staten Island Ferry is free but on the weekends, so is the Ikea Ferry. It’s smaller and much nicer. Also, it takes you to Red Hook, Brooklyn, which is a cool neighborhood with a Crab shack, dive bars, distilleries, and a great view of the Statue of Liberty. I was on the Ikea ferry on memorial day and the driver brought us right next to the statue of Liberty and let us take picture.

The Metfree met

The Met is donation based. There are other free museums as well but the Met has so much to see it’s hard to get bored here

TV Tapingsfree saturday night live

The Daily Show, Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, Saturday Night Live, Last Week Tonight, and The Late Show are just some of the shows that you can get free tickets to in NYC. I went to a Martha Stuart show where she gave out a bunch of prizes. I got some wooden dinosaurs and my friend got rice. Exciting stuff.

The HighlineHighline_03.jpg

This former above ground railroad is like an urban park/ walkway in the sky. It provides a great view of the Meatpacking District and is a nice place to hang out and relax.


Everyone loves Central Park.

free riverside park

Riverside Park is my personal favorite because it’s on the water. free wash sq

Washington Square Park is the NYU park and can be a great place to meet people or play in a fountain. I avoid Thomson Square Park. It’s not “bad,” it’s just dirty feeling and attracts a strange crowd.

Brooklyn Bridge free brooklyn bridge

It’s a great bridge to walk and/or climb on and there’s always something going on here

Chelsea Gallery Openingsfree chelsea

Get free wine, beer, fruit, cheese, crackers, and a good look at strange artsy folks on thursday evenings

Brewery/ Distillery Tours

Not only to you get to learn about alcohol but you also get to drink! Check out Brooklyn Brewing Company or New York Distilling Company in Williamsburg

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